Some factors concerning the slavic god triglav – medievalists.internet

Some Factors Concerning the Slavic God Triglav

By Mihai Dragnea

Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constant, Vol.8 (2011)

slavic gods on the Zbruch idol

Abstract: This article presents an account Triglav, a god or complex of gods in Slavic mythology. Oracular ceremonial that occur for Triglav was identical to the oracular ceremony of Svantevit from Arkona temple in Rugia island. The informations were obtained from the medieval sources like the Vita Ottonis of Otto from Bamberg and also the chronicles from Prieflingen monastery. This triad belongs to the Indo-european system of multi-headed deities (polycephaly).

Introduction: Triglav (lat. Triglaus, Tриглав, Trihlav, Trygław, Trigelawus, Triglous, Tryglav) represents at Kiev several three gods: Perun, Dažbog and Stribog. At Novgorod in ninth century, The Large Triglav represents Svarog, Perun and Svantevit. Before time period, in Novgorod, Triglav was symbolized by Perun, Svarog and Veles. At Czechs, Triglav was symbolized with a goat with three heads, who symbolized strenght and tenacity. This triad was symbolized by an idol with three heads (polycephaly), at Szczecin, where we are able to find more temples focused on this God. Otto from Bamberg reports us that Baltic Slavs used to do sacrifices in name of Triglav triad. He condition that Triglav was summus deus (Ebbo, Vita Ottonis), being venerated in Wolin and Branderburg metropolitan areas too.

Refering to word etimology, we are able to observe that Triglav represents only an epithet of supreme God. His name ought to be converted as “the three-headed”. Some other explanation of etimology would attributes Greek origins towards the name. Greeks named Hecate Tricephalos Goddess as “the three-headed goddess”. It’s entirely possible that priests who pointed out God name under Triglav form, to get the greek name to define this Slavic deity, like late Roman authors used Gods names Roman pantheon the german language deities. At Tacitus, Wotan is Mercury. In central a part of Serbia, near Kralijevo city, there’s a massif known as Troglav. In Slavic world existed multi-headed idols named “The little Triglavs”, which in comparison to “Big Triglavs”, were getting together little deities. Some Slavic mihtology researchers believed that Triglav was god of war at old Slavic. At Southern Slavs, due to emperor Traian, the cult have created an interference of the with Slavic Triglav deity.

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Resourse: http://medievalists.internet/2014/03/factors-regarding-slavic-god-triglav/