Emil doepler’s illustrations of germanic mythology

Emil doepler's illustrations of germanic mythology Valkyries    
   War from the Aesir

A Dirge for Baldr and Nanna

Odin at Geirröd’s

Thor Faces the Midgard Serpent

Odin and Gunnlöd

Freyja in her own Vehicle attracted by Cats

Baldr’s Dying

Nature Search

Sigyn and Loki

Odin Questions Mimir

The Procession from the Goddess Nerthus


Odin would go to satisfy the Fenris Wolf and Frey faces Surt

St. Boniface after felling Thor’s Oak

Thor in Skyrmir’s Glove

Gna, Fulla and Frigg

Baldr’s Dying

Heimdall and also the Heavenly Bridge

Odin hanging around the World-Tree

Temple at Upsalla

Baldr, Nanna and Forseti

Odin one of the Volsungs


Emil doepler's illustrations of germanic mythology and Vanir    
   Thor and Hymir

War from the Aesir and Vanir

Thor and Hymir Fishing

The Binding from the Fenris Wolf

Loki’s Flyting in Aegir’s Hall

Odin and Frigg at Heaven’s Window


The Twilight from the Gods

After Ragnarök

‘Fettered ‘ Grove from the Semones



Resourse: http://renegadetribune.com/emil-doeplers-illustrations-germanic-mythology/

Emil doepler's illustrations of germanic mythology Dying    
   Nature Search

Nordic-Germanic Gods and Heroes