Establishing a password protected asgard server with tomcat – sef industries

Establishing a password protected asgard server with tomcat – sef industries war after which click

Netflix’s Asgard

Within this publish I’ll take you step-by-step through establishing a Tomcat configuration which will run Asgard, having a fundamental auth password. I still recommend restricting accessibility server out of your own IP, however this provides another layer of protection.

Step One: Produce a VPC/Security Group

Setup a VPC or EC2 Security Group using the following inbound rules:



If you wish to let it rest open around the world, only use …/ (not suggested).

Step Two: Spin Up an EC2 Instance

The simplest way to begin with Asgard would be to spin up a little or medium instance, I simply used the conventional Amazon . com Linux AMI. Make certain putting it within the security group or VPC you simply produced.

Step Three: Install Tomcat

Now you have to install Tomcat. Discover the version you’ll need here:

ssh ec2-user@IP_ADDRESS -i ec2-key.pem


tar -xzf apache-tomcat-7..42.tar.gz

Step Four: Download Asgard.war

I haven’t found a terrific way to download the asgard.war yet, as presently it’s located on Box. I suggest installing it after which uploading it to S3 to simply pull it on your instance.

Click Asgard.war after which click Download.

UPDATE 8/31/2013: You can easily have it off github! Because of @nw_iw for that tip. Make certain to download the most recent and finest.


Step Five: Install Asgard’s WAR File

After you have the file in your server, you’re likely to have remove all of the items in the webapps folder which lives at /decides/apache-tomcat-7..42/webapps. You’ll then have to slowly move the war file into that directory.

rm -fr /decides/apache-tomcat-7..42/webapps/*

mv ~/asgard.war /decides/apache-tomcat-7..42/webapps/

Step Six: Configure Fundamental Auth

You’re gonna need to add some following files within /decides/apache-tomcat-7..42/conf.  Replace if already exists.



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